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Why can't I just weld all the time? How do you weld the solder?

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I want to weld simple circuit boards and some connectors, but I can't always weld them.It's easy to weld these people in the video, and it's easy.Is it because of the different welding rod or the insufficient temperature of the soldering iron?What is the use of rosin or solder water?What should the operation look like?I hope the expert can answer.


Clean the solder joint before applying tin.


Dongsha should be used to clean welding objects.


For copper objects that are relatively easy to weld, it is possible to use rosin to assist welding;For iron it is best to weld water or flux, only hydrochloric acid water can be used to help steel weld.


Solder and rosin are flux.When the original circuit board is welded, it is sprayed on the copper surface of the circuit board and welded with tin wire.If it's rosin, it's more of a problem.You can dip the wire in the rosin with a soldering iron and place the wire where you want to weld it.After welding, you should check the point to see if there is any wrong welding.


Actually, it's pretty simple.Use the solder to absorb some of the rosin, then place the heated iron close to the solder, melting the solder and touching the part to be welded.It's faster, so the connection is better.Some solders contain solder paste.Personally, I think it's better to stick some rosin.

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