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What is the explosion risk of gas welding and gas cutting?

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Gas welding and gas cutting is open fire operations, its characteristics are high temperature, high pressure, flammable and explosive, often need to deal with flammable, combustible materials and pressure vessels, so there is a greater risk of fire and explosion.


Acetylene, hydrogen, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas used in gas welding and gas cutting are flammable and explosive gases.Oxygen has a strong combustibility and its chemical property (O2) is very active.If you don't pay attention, it can easily burn and cause an explosion.


Equipment and appliances used for gas welding and gas cutting, such as acetylene generators, acetylene cylinders, liquefied petroleum gas cylinders and oxygen cylinders, are pressurized or high-pressure vessels with inherent hazards.


The flame temperature of gas welding and gas cutting is high. During the operation, the molten metal sparks are flying everywhere. If they spill on the surrounding combustible materials, they will smoulder and cause fire.Especially in the process of gas cutting, the higher the temperature, the more molten metal oxide, the wider the splash range, the more prominent the risk of fire.


Gas welding is widely used.Thin metal containers, such as gasoline, gas and various metal containers, cannot be maintained without gas welding.Gas welding is also used when connecting rebar.Residual gases and flammable gases in these containers often come into contact with welding and cutting flames, resulting in explosions.


In the welding and cutting construction site, will also encounter many inflammable and explosive materials and various pressure vessels and pipelines.


Although the equipment and energy used in gas welding and gas cutting have certain fire risks, the occurrence of fire and explosion accidents is not mainly due to the equipment and energy itself, but the vast majority of them are caused by ideological paralysis, improper operation, lax system and ineffective implementation of safety measures in the operation of gas welding and gas cutting.


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