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What is the difference between brazing, brazing and silver welding?

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The materials used for welding are not the same as copper welding and silver welding are brazing

Brazing is a kind of welding method in which the welding material basically does not melt, but only the flux melts or does not melt.When the flux melting point is low, it is called soft soldering, such as soldering;When the flux melting point is high, it is called hard brazing, such as brazing;When the flux does not melt but diffuses through heating, it is called diffusion welding.

Brazing is a welding method that makes the two workpieces join after the solder is melted by capillary action, and the base material is not melted.

Brazing, also known as Brazing, involves solder with a melting point above 450 degrees,

Tin welding, also known as Soldering, has a solder melting point below 450 degrees

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