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Proper use of gas cutting and welding

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The knob on the left side behind the handle is liquefied gas or acetylene.The valve is opened and ignited.The lower switch in the front is oxygen.After lighting a fire without burning, turn on the switch to regulate the flame.The grass has a centimeter in the middle, and blue in the middle is appropriate.The highest temperature is two to three millimeters from the top of the blue flame.At this point, when the cutting object begins to burn, the front and upper knobs are turned on to blow away the melt.

Welding torch, cutting torch and other welding tools should be used correctly, protective equipment should be used correctly.

(1) the oxygen cylinder and acetylene cylinder used should be inspected regularly for safety, and they should be placed separately with a distance greater than 5m during field welding.Place acetylene cylinder should pay attention to fire, place oxygen cylinder should pay attention to prevent falling.

(2) the opening valve of gas cylinder should be properly kept to prevent deformation from affecting normal work;

(3) attention should be paid to the tempering treatment of gas cutting torch.Instantaneous blockage of the nozzle of welding torch can easily lead to backfiring.Remember not to panic when backfiring occurs.Quickly close the combustion oxygen valve with the index finger of the welding torch holder, and close the acetylene valve with the thumb and index finger of the other hand to complete the tempering process.

(4) preheat the workpiece before gas cutting.When the metal reaches the ignition point, open the oxygen valve to blow off, or weld the electrode on the workpiece for welding, so as to achieve the purpose of welding and cutting.

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