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What is the difference between copper-phosphorus electrode and silver-copper electrode?

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Phosphorus brazing has the advantages of high strength, low cost, high welding temperature and great difficulty.Silver welding strength than phosphor brazing, high cost, low welding temperature, easy to weld.The fluidity of the silver electrode is better and the required temperature is about the same.You want to weld a good point on the silver electrode, phosphorous copper electrode can also be, but the silver electrode welding effect is better, with ordinary low silver electrode can be, but the quality of the electrode is also key.

Silver electrode is a silver or silver based solid deep body electrode, has excellent process performance, not high dissolution point, good wettability and the ability to fill the gap, and high strength, good plasticity, excellent conductivity and corrosion resistance, copper electrode melting point is low, good mobility, low cost, silver, silver generation.

The difference is 1) the chemical composition is different, one with phosphorus, one with silver.2) that their melting point is also different, that is, the lowest brazing temperature is different 3) the strength is different after welding, copper phosphorus brittle, silver copper strength is high.

Choice: both can be, but also depends on the applicable environment of the workpiece after welding, such as working temperature, whether it is subjected to greater force, etc



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