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What is the difference between copper electrode and silver electrode?

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Brazing rod and silver electrode
The difference between copper electrode and silver electrode

The main chemical composition of the copper electrode: P: 6.8-7.2, Cu: balance performance: brazing temperature 710-810 ° C, low melting point, good fluidity, low cost, silver, silver. Application: Welding of copper and copper pipe joints for refrigeration systems of air conditioners, freezers and refrigerators

Silver electrode is a kind of electrode with solid silver or silver base. It has excellent process performance, low melting point, good wettability and ability to fill gaps, high strength, good plasticity, electrical conductivity and Excellent corrosion resistance, can be used to braze all black and non-ferrous metals except aluminum, magnesium and other low-melting metals. This product is widely used in refrigeration, lighting, hardware, instrumentation, chemical, aerospace and other industrial manufacturing. field.

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